Friday, January 23, 2009

HW #2 1/23

First part:
1. expection
2. knowledge learned since elementary school
3. pass though pressure
4. make friends
5. schedule time
6. finacial manage
7. living with themselves
8. read article
9. listen information
10. emotional control

Second part: Make friends

1. what is the most difficult thing to make friends?
2. what we are trying to aviod from?
3. how do we judge people before they are our friends?
4. what is the defination of friend?
5. what catagory do you want to make one as your friend?
6. how good to you of make friends?
7. what makes you want to make friends?
8.can people live without friends?
9. how important to you about friends?
10. how long you usually spend with friends?

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